JEC Marine is proud to report that following a series of complex and rigorous tests our model MF1 Engine room ventilation fan has passed with flying colours and is certified to comply with all requirements detailed in the AS/NZ 61000-6-1: 2006 Immunity standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments. This certification is a requirement to enter and distribute our products in the EU markets.
What is a CE certification for electrical motors?
CE certification refers to the testing of
a) radiated radio frequency pollution and
b) emission injected into a supply line.
Achieving certification. Background and history.
Imagine a situation where the world needs to reduce emissions from diesel and petrol generated vehicles but instead of limiting the exhaust of those vehicles, first starts with a ban on smoking in pubs! We are sure you’ll agree this would look completely stupid?
When we first looked at the specifications required for certification, we knew we were heading for trouble as the required level of emissions to pass the tests were very low. With more than 55 years’ experience using JEC Marine’s Scientific Electronic Measuring Test Equipment we wondered why the emission requirements were so low and difficult achieve. This led us to purchase a Spectrum Analyser and we started to look at the general noise pollution from our little fan.
The last time we used a spectrum analyser was about 30 years ago and not much has changed apart from the radiated pollution around us. We could not see much in our lab except the horrific noise from all the telephones and repeaters around us. The level of the pollution was so high that the measurements in our lab were of no use and so we decided to use a lab in a remote rural location only to discover that the level of radiation was almost as high as our lab in Nunawading.
Inevitably, the only way to do a meaningful measurement was inside a very expensive testing facility as shown in the pictures below. One question remained though which was why we were trying to reduce our levels to absolutely meaningful levels while we are surrounded by extremely high noise levels from other devices? After many weeks back and forth from our lab at JEC Marine and the testing facility (and after a few modifications), we managed to pass all certification requirements at a great cost of $ 20,000 which is a lot of money for a small show like ours!
We have since spoken with a famous Japanese company about their certification problems and they have commented that they can’t afford it as it increases the cost of their machines by 10-15% , which makes them uncompetitive in the EU markets after adding duty and transport charges. That prompted our minds to whether this might just be another level of very clever protection camouflaged as an additional duty or surcharge for entry into the EU markets.
To summarise in layman’s terms: Imagine a busy double-lane highway with traffic traveling each way in peak hours, and you have one person watching two people talking (or rather shouting) to each other. He can see their lips moving but can’t hear them. Nevertheless, he asks them to whisper in order to reduce the level of noise pollution!
Tests performed, included:
Electrostatic Discharge Immunity (IEC 61000-4-2)
Radiated RF Immuniyy Measurements (IEC 61000-4-3)
Fast Transient Burst Immunity (IEC 61000-4-4)
Surge Immunity (IEC 61000-4-5)
Conducted RF immunity Measurements (IEC 61000-4-6)
Radiated Magnetic Field Immunity (IEC 61000-4-8)
Click here to see a copy of the EMC Compliance Test report